Bonus Nachos

(12 minutes, 2016)

The Bonus Nachos EP is more-or-less an extension of King of the Ooze in its style and themes. Like the previous EP, this one started with leftovers. My old friend Gothic Gary of PMERM sent me a .zip file full of lyrics we never used in ye olde times. One of these files was McFaggot.txt.

Written in February, 2006, this song was conceived after watching a McDonald's commercial and getting some bad ideas. The basic premise is that Ronald McDonald is molesting the children in the PlayLand area, killing them, and feeding them to their parents. In retrospect, this isn't very funny, but at the time, my formula for humor was "worse=better." This aspect of my personality has not changed.

Once I decided to finally make McFaggot, I needed some other tracks to accompany it. I went with a food theme for all the songs on the EP--if sucking your own dick counts as eating--and named it Bonus Nachos as a deliberate stupid misspelling of "buenas noches." I just wanted to pour toy slime on tortilla chips.

The production quality of these tracks is a downgrade from even the previous EP. This is mainly due to my living situation at the time forcing me to record vocals on a cellphone while driving. I'd do as many takes as I could and then pick the ones which had the least audible highway noise. McFaggot somehow turned out better than the rest, despite being recorded in a thunderstorm. Thanks to the fast food restaurant theme, I was able to cover up the sound of rain beating on the windshield with a sample of beef patties sizzling on the grill.

There's no excuse for the others. They're just plain bad.


1. Breakfast of Hellions

2. McFaggot

3. A Crimescene in Candyland

4. Meat-Gun Suicide

Read the lyrics here.

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